5941 Mason Road, Sechelt, BC  |  SUMMER HOURS: Friday – Tuesday, 11am – 4pm  |  Admission: $5.00/person – Members always welcome

Erythonium ‘Pagoda’

Erythonium ‘Pagoda’ is an early-spring perennial that can be found growing in meadows or dappled shade of moist woodlands. It is an ephemeral plant that thrives in moisture, blooming after the snowmelt and going dormant before heat and drought set in.  The ‘Pagoda’,...

Mahonia x media ‘Charity’

Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ is an evergreen shrub with sharp, holly-like leaves. The spikes of scented, yellow flowers attract pollinating insects and hummingbirds when little else is in bloom. The flowers are followed by round, purple berries in late summer and fall....

Common Medlar – Mespilus germanica

 The tree that is getting a lot of attention at the Garden right now is the Mespilus germanica, or ‘common Medlar’ – a tree that fruits in late fall/ early winter! As a member of the Rosaceae family, along with roses, apples, pears, quince, and...
Make room for mushroom!

Make room for mushroom!

.Thanks to the rainfall we received in late summer and so far this fall, we are seeing the return of fungi of all kinds springing up all over the Garden!  And we’re not the only ones happy to see them – fungi are integral players in a healthy ecosystem and...