5941 Mason Road, Sechelt, BC  |  FALL HOURS: Friday – Monday, 11am – 4pm  |  Admission: $5.00/person – Members always welcome

Make room for mushroom!

by | Oct 22, 2023 | What's in Bloom | 0 comments

.Thanks to the rainfall we received in late summer and so far this fall, we are seeing the return of fungi of all kinds springing up all over the Garden!  And we’re not the only ones happy to see them – fungi are integral players in a healthy ecosystem and have a number of different roles, including:

  • Mycorrhizal  – These fungi form mutually beneficial relationships with the roots of many plants; As it supports the plant to increase its water and nutrient uptake, it draws carbohydrates for its own use.

  • Decomposers – Fungi secrete enzymes that can break down complex organic compounds like carbohydrates and proteins into simpler components with the release of energy. 

  • Wildlife food sources – Fungi provide an important food source for many species, including microbes, insects, and mammals
A photo of a mushroom growing out of a forest understory. It has a white stem with a bright red cap dotted with white warts.
A photo of a cluster of tiny, white, mushrooms growing out of a mossy crevice in a tree.
a photo of tiny beige fungi sprouting out from between wood chips. The fungi are tiny cups with nesting spores inside which look like small eggs.