5941 Mason Road, Sechelt, BC   |     WINTER HOURS: Friday – Monday, 11am – 4pm   |    Admission: $5.00/person – Members always welcome


Grow your Legacy with us


The Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden has undergone a transformational journey to become the treasure that we enjoy today, all thanks to the generosity of donors, and the passionate and hardworking staff and volunteers who believe in our mission.

It is our goal to ensure the Garden will continue to prosper. We aim to preserve the botanicals and provide education, so that visitors, young and old, can reconnect with nature, learn and be in awe of what surrounds them. It is through this experience we hope this inspires an understanding of our collective effort to protect this beautiful place for generations to come. 


A legacy gift in your Will can offer the opportunity to generously support the future of the Sunshine Coast Botanical without any impact on your income today. In return, your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt to help offset the tax burdens on your loved ones. 

There are several ways you might choose to leave a Legacy Gift to the Garden, whether directly or through an Endowment Fund, such as the one we have set up with the Sunshine Coast Foundation.

We would be happy to work with you and your professional advisors to ensure your gift best suits the legacy you wish to leave for the future. Thank you so much for considering the Garden as part of your legacy.


Types of Gifts the Garden can accept

  • Bequests (Specific, Residual, Contingent)

  • Publicly Listed Securities (shares, bonds or units of a mutual fund trust)
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
  • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)
  • Life Insurance Policies (LIPs – direct beneficiary or donation of policy)
  • Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs)
  • Real Estate
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts




Charitable Tax Receipts for Legacy Gifts

  • Since your RRSP or RRIF gift will not be received by the SCBGS until after your passing, you won’t receive a tax receipt. However, your estate will receive a tax receipt for the value of the funds given to the SCBGS, which will help offset other estate taxes.