5941 Mason Road, Sechelt, BC  |  SUMMER HOURS: Friday – Tuesday, 11am – 4pm  |  Admission: $5.00/person – Members always welcome

Support our Auction for Veggie Garden Makeover

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Events | 0 comments

A photo of black plastic trays filled with drying garlic bulbs.

In honour of the Garden’s 15th birthday, we are raising money to make upgrades to the very first garden that was created when the Society purchased the property: the Veggie Garden!

This cherished, volunteer-run project has been working incredibly hard since the day our first volunteers broke ground to grow food; so hard, in fact, that last year our volunteers reported a yield of over 3,000 lbs of food donated to the Food Bank!

We want to replace the current ground-level beds with raised, steel beds. These modular beds will not only provide more space for us to grow more food, and last much, much longer, but will allow us to water more conservatively, since these new beds will prevent water runoff. It will also look a great deal tidier, and our volunteers take great pride in maintaining a beautiful, bountiful garden!

We hope you will support our fundraising efforts for this worthwhile project by participating in our online auction. We already have a great list of items to bid on, but we will continue adding items for the next week until the auction closes on August 14, 2024.

We are grateful for your support and invite you to come see the new and improved Veggie Garden when upgrades are complete.